This painting holds significant personal meaning for me. It resonates deeply with my appreciation for the stories of the resilient women of the West. At 10 years old Katy Jennings rode 40 miles to warn the neighboring townspeople that the Alamo had fallen. This piece allowed me to honor our pioneer women, who often did the nearly impossible, and also to remember the impact one individual can make. Available at Night of Artists auction, Briscoe Museum, Friday March 27, 2025
Hi Everyone - I’m Todd Connor
Welcome to my all consuming dream.
The timeless icons
of the American West are my muse
and history is my compass.
I was also honored to receive the Ray Swanson Memorial Award for this piece. The award recognizes “a work of art that best communicates a moment in time and captures the emotion of that moment.” It was presented by Ray’s daughter, Pam Swanson and my cowboy hero, the one and only Red Steagle. A moment I won’t forget.
The Cowboy Artists of America mission is -
“To authentically preserve and perpetuate the culture of Western life in fine art”.
My paintings tell the history of how we got here.
Women were the biggest part of our success.
In fact, without them I don’t think the men could have done it.
The Artist - Todd Connor
Montana In Focus: The artist tells the story of Montana painter Todd Connor, a former Navy Seal who's work is inspired by the landscapes of the West, early explorers like Lewis and Clark and the hardscrabble pioneer women of the past. Watch him discuss his artistic influences and explain why, "Just a pretty picture is not good enough. There needs to be something deeper than that."